OAEC東方藝術教育中心位於休斯頓西南區8號公路和Richmond Ave。交通便利,距中國城或主要商業區僅五分鐘車程。環境優雅,校址獨立,校設齊備,共佔地3.3英畝。十七間教室,包括設備齊全的電腦室,鋼琴房,繪畫室,練功房,會議室,室內籃球場,戶外足球場。裝修擴建後的三間大排練廳共計5000平方英尺,將是一個燈光音響齊備的綜合性演藝廳及舉辦各種文化交流活動,包括音樂會,舞蹈晚會,展覽,講座的最佳場所。東方藝術教育中心以傳播中華文化,促進東西方文化交流為宗旨,為休斯頓地區,熱愛藝術和藝術教育的志同道合者,提供一個平台,攜手架構東西方文化傳承和交流的橋樑。 Oriental Arts Education Center(OAEC) is located in southwest Houston, near to Beltway 8 and Richmond Ave. With only 5 minutes driving distance, the OAEC can be accessed from major business districts and Chinatown. The OAEC has its independent campus is among Westchase office complex. Occupying 3.3 acres, the OAEC has 17 classrooms, including a fully equipped computer room, piano room, drawing room, dance studio, conference room, and indoor basketball court, as well as outdoor soccer field. Newly renovated three multi-purpose rehearsal halls, equipped with comprehensive lightings and sounds, have 5000 square feet, and have become a featured auditorium for various activities such as concerts, dance rehearsals, exhibitions, and seminars. The OAEC’s mission is to disseminate Chinese culture, and to promote cultural exchanges between the US and China. The OAEC hopes to become a platform for people who love cultural arts and arts education in Houston area, and to become a cultural heritage and communication bridge for the US and China. |
The One Dance Studio
休斯顿东北同乡会在这秋高气爽、硕果飘香的金色九月,东北同乡会向您致以最亲切、最热诚的问候!时至今日德州东北同乡会已经走过了三十二个春秋,它由来自黑龙江、吉林、辽宁东北三省的两岸三地的东北同乡组成,是活跃在北美地区的主要华人社团组织之一! |
夜色KTV |